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Australia: Study reveals Australia’s toxic relationship with alcohol

Australia: Study reveals Australia’s toxic relationship with alcohol


Source: Ten News

18 May 2016


Two in five Aussies have vomited after drinking alcohol, one in five have driven a car, and one in four have been affected by alcohol-related violence.


Australia’s love of alcohol has turned sour, with close to 80 per cent of Australians thinking Australia has a problem with excess drinking.


A comprehensive study undertaken by the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) polled more than 1800 Australians to produce the ‘Annual Alcohol Poll 2016.’


It found the most consistent drinkers to be over 50, with two in five drinking at least three times a week. But younger drinkers (18 to 24 year olds) were more likely to drink six or more drinks on a single night out.


It found most Australians were in favour of more regulation, with 51 per cent in support of increasing alcohol tax, 70 per cent in support of the alcohol industry paying to reduce harms, and more than 60 per cent were in favour of banning alcohol advertising from sporting events and primetime TV.


FARE Chief Executive Michael Thorn said the survey showed how the alcohol industry was out of touch with community attitudes.


“[It] delivers three very clear messages: That Australians recognise we have a problem with alcohol in this country, that a clear majority support the evidence-based solutions which will reduce the harms, and that they want governments to embrace meaningful reform.”


The poll hinted at support for NSW’s tough lockout laws, with more than 80 per cent of repsondants in support of venues closing at 3am or earlier, and more than half believing bottle shops should close at 10pm or earlier.

