VA: Miss Virginia Begins Elementary School Visits in Partnership with Virginia ABC to Teach Students about Living Alcohol and Drug Free
VA: Miss Virginia Begins Elementary School Visits in Partnership with Virginia ABC to Teach Students about Living Alcohol and Drug Free Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control November 5, 2015 RICHMOND – Miss Virginia, Savannah Morgan Lane, this week began visits to Virginia elementary schools to let the state’s youngest pupils know how important […]
IL: Officials OK liquor displays storewide for Naperville
IL: Officials OK liquor displays storewide for Naperville Chicago Tribune By Susan Frick Carlman November 5, 2015 Shoppers soon can expect to find a few suggestions for what to serve with this roast or that piece of cheese at some Naperville grocery stores. Officials this week cast a divided vote to relax the […]
United Kingdom: Dial-a-drink services selling alcohol to underagers in Glasgow say police targeting illegal grade
United Kingdom: Dial-a-drink services selling alcohol to underagers in Glasgow say police targeting illegal grade SENIOR officers say social media is being used to push alcohol – including Buckfast, Mad Dog 20/20, vodka and cider – to youngsters. Daily Record By Record Reporter November 6, 2015 Drink is being sold during the night and […]