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Alcohol kills many more Americans than opioids do. Why do we think drinking is healthy?

Alcohol kills many more Americans than opioids do. Why do we think drinking is healthy? Source: http://www.philly.com/ by Christina Mair, The Conversation JULY 9, 2018 Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world, including in the United States. About 70 percent of adults in the United States report past-year alcohol consumption, with over […]


THE ALCOHOL INDUSTRY DOESN’T WANT US TO DRINK LIKE ADULTS How to drink moderately in an immoderate world. Source: https://theoutline.com/ Laura Entis JUL 07 This spring, I went to see Book Club with my mom. The movie stars Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen, and Mary Steenburgen as four longtime friends whose lives (— and […]

Forget the Caribbean: Was Rum Invented in India?

Forget the Caribbean: Was Rum Invented in India? Newly discovered evidence suggests that rum production predates the Caribbean by at least 1,000 years and may have actually started in South East Asia. Source: https://www.thedailybeast.com/ David Wondrich 07.09.18 When rum was invented it was already at least a thousand years old. I’d better explain. For every […]