Dram Shop Expert

Litigation Support and Expert Witness Services

Taxation Is The Cost-Effective Means To Reduce Alcohol Consumption – Are We Surprised?

Taxation Is The Cost-Effective Means To Reduce Alcohol Consumption – Are We Surprised? American Council on Science and Health By Chuck Dinerstein September 10, 2018 Non-communicable diseases are often associated with our behavior; tobacco remains the poster child and efforts at reduction in its use has provided lessons on how to affect similar change for […]

What are the benefits of taking two days a week off alcohol?

What are the benefits of taking two days a week off alcohol? Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ Gareth Rubin 11 SEPTEMBER 2018 If you’ve ever gone to a pub or restaurant with the intention of limiting yourself to a single small wine, but found that small glass became a large glass, or two (or a bottle, on a Monday […]

What happens if alcohol and marijuana mix?

What happens if alcohol and marijuana mix? It’s best to stick with one or the other. If you do mix the two, it’s safer to drink first. Source: https://www.macleans.ca/ by Adrienne Tanner Sep 12, 2018 Health experts warn that mixing alcohol and pot can be dangerous, particularly if the marijuana is smoked or consumed first. Marijuana […]