Dram Shop Expert

Litigation Support and Expert Witness Services

11 health benefits that have been linked to drinking alcohol in moderation (Excerpt)

11 health benefits that have been linked to drinking alcohol in moderation (Excerpt) Health experts have long cautioned against binge drinking. But drinking alcohol in moderation can actually provide some health benefits, various studies have suggested over the years. Some health benefits that have been linked to drinking in moderation include a longer life, a […]

These Machines Can Put You in Jail. Don’t Trust Them.

These Machines Can Put You in Jail. Don’t Trust Them. Source: https://m.sfgate.com/ Stacy Cowley and Jessica Silver-Greenberg, New York Times November 3, 2019 A million Americans a year are arrested for drunken driving, and most stops begin the same way: flashing blue lights in the rearview mirror, then a battery of tests that might include standing on […]