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  • A new app designed to help people think about their drinking gives you your ARSE score

A new app designed to help people think about their drinking gives you your ARSE score

A new app designed to help people think about their drinking gives you your ARSE score



June 10, 2015

EVERYONE has that tipping point while drinking when they change from a fun-loving larrikin into a complete menace to society.


According to the 2015 Global Drug Survey, 25 per cent of the world’s population admit to getting drunk more often than they want to.


Survey founder Dr Adam Winstock said the heavy costs and health risks associated with binge drinking are often contributing factors in helping people stem this unwanted consumption of booze.


However, for a number of cultures around the world, there is a different deterrence in play.


As it turns out, Australians, Germans and the Swiss all consider social embarrassment to be the worst component of drinking to excess and this often encourages positive change.


In order to tap into this insight, Dr Winstock has created an online app that gives you your Alcohol Related Social Embarrassment (ARSE) score, based on a series of 20 questions.


“This app is designed to help everyone think about their drinking and get people to reflect on how drinking less might make them feel better and be more fun to be around,” he said.


The app doesn’t ask how much booze you consume, rather is bases its data from a range of topics that could contribute to a bad night out on the town.


These include vomiting, being forcefully removed from an establishment, losing valuables and a number of other embarrassing scenarios.


Once completed, the app will give you a score, which will tell you if you are delight on the drink or a little more like Frank the Tank.


Video: Do I Drink Too Much (WARNING – Graphic Content: What is your relationship with alcohol and how do you know when you’re overdoing it?)