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Australia: Top docs call for radical changes to liquor laws

Australia: Top docs call for radical changes to liquor laws


Source: Ten News

03 April 2016


One of Australia’s most influential group of medical experts is urging an alcohol legislation overhaul, including raising the minimum drinking age and reducing the legal blood-alcohol driving limit to .02, before phasing out it zero for all drivers.


The Royal Australasian College of Physicians released a comprehensive report of findings and recommendations, urging “governments in Australia and New Zealand to commit to long-term, resourced and sustained strategies to reduce the levels of alcohol-related harms in both countries.”


The group is also calling for restrictions to bottle shop and licensed premises trading hours, expansion of lock-out laws, giving councils the ability to cap the number of bars and challenge existing licenses in their communities, banning alcohol companies from sports sponsorships, and implementing alcohol warning labels, similar to those on cigarettes. 


“Taking a holistic approach to the issue including appropriately addressing alcohol pricing, marketing and promotion, supply, and access to a suitable range of treatment options” would “meaningfully address alcohol-related harms,” the study said.