Brits waste nearly two years of life hungover

Brits waste nearly two years of life hungover


Source: The Spirits Business

by Melita Kiely

25th May, 2016


The average adult in the UK will spend nearly two years of their life suffering from a hangover with women taking longer than men to recover, new research suggests.


Late night alcohol delivery service Booze Up surveyed 1,000 Britons and discovered on average, drinkers will experience headaches, nausea and fatigue for approximately five hours a week – normally on a Sunday – as a result of drinking too much alcohol.


“It’s well known that hangovers affect just about everybody, but it’s shocking to think that as a nation we spend nearly two years of our lives feeling lousy,” commented Ashleigh Fletcher, co-founder of Booze Up.


In addition, the results showed 18 to 24-year-olds were more likely to suffer from hangovers compared to other age brackets.


On average, this age group will suffer from hangovers twice a week and will take six hours to recover.


For those over the age of 65, the time it takes to recover from hangovers is longer on average at seven hours.


All-in-all, Booze Up estimates the average Briton will spend 682 days recovering from a hangover. The results were determined by multiplying the average amount of time people spent hungover each month with the average life expectancy.


Darren Sawyer, co-founder of Booze Up, said: “By simply reducing the amount we drink, we can reduce the amount of time spent nursing a hangover.”