Drinkers lose 22 hours of summer to hangovers
Source: The Spirits Business
by Annie Hayes
1st September, 2015
New research has revealed that regular drinkers lose an average of 22 hours of summer to hangovers, with one in four admitting the hangover would stop them from going outside.
The results of the study – which was commissioned by Cancer Research UK – were revealed by calculating the estimated length of 2,000 adults’ most recent hangovers and the number of times they had had one since the start of the summer this year.
People who did not have hangovers at all or who didn’t drink in this period were filtered out of the final results.
Around a quarter of people said the aftermath of a night out drinking stopped them going outside to enjoy the weather, rising to two in five among people aged between 18 and 34.
In addition, 23% of the same group admitted that hangovers led to them missing days out with family and friends.
On average, each hangover lasted six hours and 30 minutes, with one in eight people stating their most recent one lasted more than half a day.
The research was undertaken to mark the return of Dryathlon, a month-long challenge where ‘dryathletes’ are sponsored to give up drinking alcohol – similar to the Dry January campaign.
The Cancer Research UK website has an “alcohol calculator” which prompts individuals to enter how much they drink in a week. It then calculates how much money they will save by staying sober during the month of September.
Last year, research revealed that drinkers who abstain from alcohol during Dry January exhibit long-term changes to their drinking behaviour.