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ID: Looser Alcohol Rules

ID:  Looser Alcohol Rules

Idaho State Journal

By Kimberlee Kruesi

June 29, 2016

Lawmakers also changed underage drinking penalties. As of Friday, people under the age of 21 would be shielded from consumption or minor-in-possession charges if they seek medical treatment for themselves or other people in cases of alcohol-related illnesses.

Lawmakers also said cheers to allowing minors inside breweries.

Separately, movie theaters will finally be allowed to serve booze during movies that show nudity. Lawmakers changed the law after a cinema sued the state because authorities tried to revoke the theater’s alcohol license for serving beer and wine during the risque film “Fifty Shades of Grey.”

Despite going lenient on youths and movie theaters, lawmakers decided to ban powdered alcohol — even though it’s not currently being sold in Idaho.