Michigan: Powdered alcohol ban passes Michigan House

Michigan: Powdered alcohol ban passes Michigan House


Source: MLive

Emily Lawler

October 13, 2015


A ban on powdered alcohol in Michigan is one step closer to becoming law after winning approval from the House of Representatives on Tuesday.


Federal officials earlier this year approved Palcohol, a powdered alcohol product that can be reconstituted into an alcoholic beverage by adding water. Michigan’s liquor regulations don’t anticipate such a product.


But Senate Bill 240, introduced by Sen. Rick Jones, R-Grand Ledge, would ban the possession and distribution of powdered alcohol in Michigan. When he introduced the legislation in March he cited a potential to make stronger drinks and abuse the powdered product.


“In my opinion there is no legitimate use for powdered alcohol,” Jones said.


The makers of Palcohol claim that it’s safer and more portable than regular alcoholic beverages.


But the bill to ban the substance unanimously passed the Senate in May. It passed the House 102-3 on Tuesday.


Rep. Tom Barrett, R-Potterville, was one of those who voted against the bill.


“I just didn’t feel like at a time when we’re moving to decriminalize a lot of possession related issues that we should go toward criminalizing something that’s already legal in another form,” Barrett said.


The bill procedurally goes to the Senate before heading to Gov. Rick Snyder’s desk.