Being a Sober Parent in a Wine Mom Culture
Source: New York Times
MARCH 7, 2018
Over a melting ice cream sundae on our first date away from our new son, my partner and I talked about what we’d be doing if we were still drinking. A cozy-looking bar across the street might have suited our purposes. Yet years of partying had shown us that abstinence was necessary for him and best for me. So, ice cream it was.
Popular parenting culture doesn’t have much room for sober sorts like us. Jokey messages on coffee mugs and T-shirts reinforce the notion that the best cure for the demands of our children is a generous glass of chardonnay. Parents who don’t drink are not offered such a simple solution to stress.
Dr. Leena Mittal, a perinatal psychiatrist and addiction specialist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, said there is a long history of chemical management of women’s distress. Tranquilizers widely prescribed to mothers in the 1950s and ’60s were known as Mother’s Little Helper. “This sends women the message that their emotions need to be squelched and not addressed,” she said.
As the opioid crisis draws attention to the impact of addiction on families, there may be a new openness to sober parenting. More children are entering the foster care system because of the opioid epidemic. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that between 2009-14, approximately 10 percent of American children lived in homes where at least one parent had an alcohol use disorder. Dr. Mittal said women with the disorder often do not get treatment for their addiction because they fear losing custody of their children. Policy changes can encourage more women to seek help. The Family First Prevention Services Act, signed into law on February 8, 2018, provides substance abuse prevention and treatment services to parents whose children are at risk for being removed from their homes. Though data shows parents tend to drink less than nonparents, social context affects how much they consume.
“Wine has become normalized, expected and then reinforced by popular culture, social media, advertising,” said Gabrielle Glaser, author of “Her Best Kept Secret: Why Women Drink – and How They Can Regain Control.” She said that images of other people’s seemingly perfect children on social media heighten many parents’ feelings of inadequacy. “Whether they’re a celebrity’s child or it’s just somebody on your Instagram feed,” she said, “You think, what’s wrong with me?” The added stress contributes to more drinking, she said.
“Mommy wine culture is just another way some moms are coping with the pressures of parenthood – alone and without much social support beyond acknowledging that parenting is hard,” said a mother who asked to be identified as Amina S. because she participates in a 12-step program that calls for anonymity.
She is a 43-year-old creative development manager from Northern Virginia who stopped drinking in 2002. “Drinking as a default makes it difficult to develop other – not instant – coping skills,” she said. She manages the stress of raising her 6-year-old son by going to 12-step meetings and prioritizing downtime.
She said she takes walks or baths, hires a babysitter so she can read and schedules date nights. At book club meetings or dinners, where alcohol is often part of the picture, she never makes excuses for not drinking.
“Always have a beverage in your hand,” she advised. “Often, beverage pushers are just concerned about being a good host.” The main way to enjoy being sober at a party where people are imbibing is to know when to leave – before virtual strangers start sloppily declaring their love for you. As far as feeling out new friends, she said, “If someone invites me to a wine tasting, I’ll invite them to coffee. If they’re not interested in hanging out without alcohol, then that answers that.”
Jody Allard, 39, a mother of seven who does not drink, said that sober parents need to be more creative with stress management. Ms. Allard, managing editor of Seattle parenting magazine ParentMap, said one of her children has autism and has frequent meltdowns. “Recently, she and I got trapped on a bridge behind an accident and she screamed for an hour and a half,” Ms. Allard said. “That night, I took a long bath and read a book. These aren’t —y methods of self-care, and they don’t offer the same degree of relaxation as a bottle of wine, but they don’t come with the same risks either.”
My vice is PBS murder mysteries. I also take antidepressants, do talk therapy, write and splurge on some indulgences at the grocery store.
Ms. Glaser suggests sober parents find an alternative group or subculture like bird-watching, yoga or pickup sports. If you just need something in your hand at the end of the day, she suggests popping open a seltzer and putting it in a nice glass to make it feel more special.
Dr. Mittal recommended that parents who want to drink less ask themselves what need the alcohol is serving and how to address it in other ways. If it’s treating their depression or anxiety, she advised they seek professional help. Treatments can include medication, psychotherapy and peer support groups. To reduce stress, she also suggested meditation, acupuncture or acupressure, as well as attending to common self-care steps like exercise, nutrition, staying hydrated and simply getting a good night’s sleep.