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Study finds alcohol does not influence ‘perceived attractiveness’

Study finds alcohol does not influence ‘perceived attractiveness’


Source: The Spirits Business

by Annie Hayes

24th August, 2015


A new study has revealed there is no connection between alcohol consumption and attraction – contrary to findings the same researchers published in February.


The study by Bristol University, titled Association of Alcohol Consumption with Perception of Attractiveness in a Naturalistic Environment, found no connection between alcohol consumption and “perceived attractiveness” – contrary to a previous study by the team which reported consuming a moderate amount of alcohol would make you appear more attractive to others.


The latest study was conducted in a ‘real world’ environment; the team assessed 311 drinkers from three pubs in Bristol rather than inviting participants into a laboratory.


Participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of faces using a tablet computer, and were then breathalysed to record their breath alcohol concentration (BrAC).


A conclusion from the report, published in the journal Alcohol and Alcoholism, reads: “We found no evidence for a relationship between alcohol consumption and perception of attractiveness in our large-scale naturalistic study.


“Our study is important given the large sample size, the successful translation of an experimental, laboratory-based paradigm to a naturalistic drinking environment and the high level of public engagement with the study.


“Future studies should use similarly ecologically-valid methodologies to further explore the conditions under which this effect may be observed and identify the mechanisms underlying any relationships.”


Earlier this year a study of popular alcohol-related YouTube videos found the clips insinuate alcohol can make you funny and attractive, but offer little-to-no reference to the health risks of drinking too much.