Suspension of University of Michigan fraternity social events to end
By Martin Slagter
January 3, 2018
ANN ARBOR, MI – After a self-imposed suspension of all social and new member activities, the University of Michigan’s Interfraternal Council announced Wednesday, Jan. 3, that it would begin phasing in restoration of social privileges.
A letter from the IFC Wednesday noted that after extensive review to identify policies and practices needing improvement within the community, fraternities can begin a phased process in which chapters are notified of specific action plans they will need to complete.
The IFC used this review, working in conjunction with UM’s Office of Greek Life, to identify necessary areas of improvement and develop reforms to address them on a chapter by chapter basis.
The IFC will permit philanthropic events and necessary chapter business, such as chapter and executive board meetings, to continue as long as they are compliant with IFC regulations, including the Social Environment Management Policy.
The IFC also is aiming to increase safety and security for its community members by removing hard alcohol from all IFC-sanctioned events, limiting days that social events may be held and increasing the number of Sober Monitors required at all IFC-sanctioned social events.
UM Spokesperson Kim Broekhuizen said the phasing in of social events is the next step in the process the IFC outlined in the fall. Because the suspension of social activities was an IFC decision, she referred to its online statement for further comment.
“These steps are being taken to ensure that IFC-sanctioned social events foster safe and inclusive environments for all University of Michigan community members,” the letter states.
Formal recruitment for the Winter 2018 semester also will continue as scheduled, beginning Jan. 9, the letter indicated.