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These Are the Countries That Drink the Most Alcohol

These Are the Countries That Drink the Most Alcohol

Source: US News

By Rachel Dicker

Oct. 6, 2016

According to Homer Simpson, alcohol is “the cause of, and solution to, all of life’s problems.”

Countries the world over, especially those in Eastern Europe, may agree. Data from 2010 reported by the World Health Organization reveals that Belarus is the country that imbibes the most alcohol. The vast majority of countries – nine out of a possible 11 – that drink the most are in Eastern Europe.

The WHO calculated the liters of alcohol – here converted into pints – consumed yearly by the average person in that country. That number represents straight alcohol, not alcoholic beverages: For example, a single pint of alcohol here represents about 25 beers, since the average alcohol content of a beer is 4 percent.

To put this in context: The average person in Belarus consumes 37 pints of alcohol every year. If the person drinks just beer, this means they drink approximately 925 beers per year. If just vodka or similar spirits, they have about 93 drinks a year.

Here are the countries that consume the most alcohol each year:

Country Name   Pints Consumed Yearly Per Person

  1. Belarus         37
  2. Moldova       35.5
  3. Lithuania       32.5
  4. Russia         32
  5. Romania       30.4
  6. Ukraine         29.4
  7. Andorra         29.2
  8. Hungary       28
  9. (tie) Czech Republic   27.5
  10. (tie) Slovakia             27.5
  11. Portugal     27.3