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  • United Kingdom: Alcohol IS bad for your health… EVEN in moderation: Just one glass a day ‘increases the risk of various cancers’

United Kingdom: Alcohol IS bad for your health… EVEN in moderation: Just one glass a day ‘increases the risk of various cancers’

United Kingdom: Alcohol IS bad for your health… EVEN in moderation: Just one glass a day ‘increases the risk of various cancers’


    Until recently science-backed wisdom was alcohol in moderation could actually be good for our health

    But new public health advise is that there is no ‘safe’ alcohol limit – with even small quantities increasing the risk of some cancers

    Dr Sally Norton reveals alcohol is linked to more than 60 different diseases

    One drink a day increases the risk of breast cancer by four per cent


Source: Daily Mail

By Sally Norton For Daily Mail Online

23 February 2016


Whether it’s a glass of something to help you unwind at the end of the day, or meeting for a drink (or three) with friends or work colleagues, alcohol is a regular and accepted pleasure for most of us.


And it’s easy to see why.


Alcohol can act as a social lubricant and a reason for people to get together, helping conversation and enjoyment flow – though of course, beyond the ‘sweet spot’ of a couple of drinks, the effect can be reversed.


And until recently the science-backed wisdom was that taken in moderation it could even be good for our health.


Just what most of us wanted to hear.


But now new public health advice says there is no ‘safe’ alcohol limit as even small amounts can increase the risk of some cancers.


It says people who drink regularly should consume no more than 14 units a week – the equivalent of six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.


Which means for the first time the limits are the same for men as for women.


It also says if people drink, it should be moderately over three or more days, and we should keep some days alcohol-free.


And it warns us against saving up our units and downing them in one or two goes, because this qualifies as heavy drinking – so think again if you like a heavy splurge on a Friday and Saturday night.


So why are they so intent on spoiling our fun?


It’s not just that alcohol consumption in the UK is creeping up – along with the health problems that go with it.


The unpalatable truth is that alcohol contributes to more than 60 medical conditions, including many cancers, high blood pressure, liver cirrhosis and depression. Hospital admissions due to alcohol have doubled in the past decade and it directly causes around 9,000 deaths a year in the UK.


But also the science has moved on.


There are new studies debunking previous research linking moderate consumption with a range of health benefits, particularly reduced heart risk.


One huge UK-based population study published last year showed simply comparing alcohol consumption with health outcomes gave a clear protective benefit from moderate drinking.


But once former drinkers were taken out of the non-drinking group, these supposed benefits all but disappeared.


So the advice concludes that the benefits of alcohol for heart health only apply for women aged 55 and over – and even then in very small amounts, around five units a week.


And that is not enough to justify recommending drinking on health grounds.


The unpalatable truth is that alcohol contributes to more than 60 medical conditions, including many cancers, high blood pressure, liver cirrhosis and depression.


Hospital admissions due to alcohol have doubled in the past decade and it directly causes around 9,000 deaths a year in the UK.


And of course what we often forget is alcohol can also pile on the calories, which contributes to soaring obesity levels, with all the health issues that brings.


Between four and 30 per cent of cancer deaths worldwide could come down to alcohol use – eight per cent for the commonest of these, breast cancer.


Crucially even moderate drinking increases our risk.


Even one glass a day increases the risk of breast cancer by four per cent, while heavy drinking – three or more drinks a day – increases it by a whopping 40-50 per cent.


Then there are other problems.


Have you ever got embarrassingly drunk or had issues with family or friends because of your drinking – or know someone else who has?


Not to mention what it can do to your memory, concentration, sleep patterns, sex life and fertility.


Trying to work with a hangover or going a step too far at the office party means alcohol can seriously affect your career too.


And of course for some it becomes an addiction that seriously wrecks their lives.


Even those who don’t think they have an alcohol problem can be damaging their health without realising it.


We are seeing more young people with alcohol related health problems.


Also more men and women in their 30s and 40s, who wouldn’t call themselves heavy drinkers, with liver disease.


Of course, many of us aren’t ready to give up alcohol completely.


We may live longer without it.


But would we lose the quality of life we enjoy sharing a chilled bottle of white with friends on a summer evening or chatting over a pint of beer by the pub fire after a bracing winter walk?


What’s more the new guidance concedes that if you stick to the recommended limits, the one per cent increased health risk is no more than that of driving your car.


But accepting that alcohol doesn’t seem to have the health benefits we hoped it did – and could be doing us a lot more harm than we thought – may make that gin and tonic slightly less tempting.


The article is the second in a series of 12 contributed by Dr Sally Norton from topics addressed in her Vavista Life Wellbeing & Weight Loss Programme.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3459382/Alcohol-bad-health-moderation-Just-one-glass-day-increases-risk-various-cancers.html#ixzz412gukimi