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  • United Kingdom: Labour was wrong to bring in 24 hour drinking, admits Andy Burnham

United Kingdom: Labour was wrong to bring in 24 hour drinking, admits Andy Burnham

United Kingdom: Labour was wrong to bring in 24 hour drinking, admits Andy Burnham


Mr. Burnham, who as culture secretary in the Gordon Brown’s Government in 2008 was in charge of the policy, admitted that it had been a ‘mistake’ in a BBC debate.


The Telegraph


By Christopher Hope, Chief Political Correspondent

April 29, 2015


Labour was wrong to bring in 24 hour drinking, the party’s health spokesman Andy Burnham has said.


Mr. Burnham, who was culture secretary in the Gordon Brown’s Government in 2008 was in charge of the policy, admitted that it had been a “mistake” in a BBC debate.


Mr. Burnham made the comments in a debate about health on the BBC’s Daily Politics program, alongside other health spokesmen including the Tories’ Jeremy Hunt and the Liberal Democrats’ Norman Lamb, who both agreed with him.


Bars, clubs, pubs and supermarkets in England and Wales were allowed to apply for longer opening licenses after the introduction of 24 hour drinking in 2005 – following legislation passed in 2003.


However campaigners and critics have said that it costs the police millions of pounds to deal with drink-related crime each year.


Alcohol-related crimes cost hospitals more than £3 billion a year. Figures show that in 2009/10, more than one million people were treated by doctors for alcohol-related illnesses.


Andrew Percy, who was a Conservative member of the Commons health committee until the end of March, said: “It’s no good Labour realizing now what everybody told them at the time.


“By extending drinking to 24 hours, Labour put extra pressure on the police, councils and NHS staff in accident and emergency departments. As ever with Labour, it takes years for them to admit their mistakes.”


Two years ago Alastair Campbell, who was Tony Blair’s director of communications when the change was introduced, said licensing rules should be changed to “take in the impact on public health”.


Mr. Campbell, who has emerged as a campaigner for a minimum price for alcohol, said: “There are now twice as many places where you can buy alcohol than there were in the 1950s and 1960s.


“Some of that’s down to the 24-hour licensing: The licensing regulations don’t have to take in the impact on public health. They should.”


Lord Hattersley, a Labour peer, has described the introduction of a 24 hour drinking culture as a “terrible mistake”.


A Labour spokesman said: “The last Government acknowledged the impact of the rules.

“That’s why they were tightened before the last election to ensure councils had the power to take licenses away where needed.”


A source added: “Gordon Brown admitted the same before last election. We’ve said it many times before. We reviewed and toughened the licensing act before leaving Government.”


Mr. Burnham made the comments in a debate about health on the BBC’s Daily Politics programmed, alongside other health spokesmen including health secretary Jeremy Hunt.

During the televised debate Mr. Hunt and Mr. Burnham said that they “possibly” would consider banning advertising junk food after television’s 9pm watershed.


Ukip’s health spokesman Angus Dalgleish, who was also in the debate, was the only one to back a ban on smoking in public parks, similar to a prohibition in New York in America.


Mr. Dalgleish said he adopted the position to protect children’s health, but said “it does sound paradoxical.”


Mr. Hunt also admitted that the Coalition’s health reforms “wouldn’t have won an award for the most popular health policy in history”.


However, Mr. Hunt added that the Health and Social Care Act (2012), spearheaded by Mr. Hunt’s predecessor Andrew Lansley, had been guided by the “right principle”.


Mr. Hunt said: “Well the principle, I think, is the right principle. We can all learn lessons in terms of the way we got the message across.”


Mr. Burnham argued the reforms “pulled the rug from underneath the NHS just when it needed stability”, adding: “It also put market forces at the heart of the NHS.”


Australia: Alcohol research finds Australians support greater restrictions on industry


Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education says four-fifths of voters want bars to close at 3am, but Australian Hotels Association dismisses findings

The Guardian

By Melissa Davey

April 29, 2015


Four out of five Australians believe pubs, clubs and bars should close by 3am, while more than half believe governments are not doing enough to reduce alcohol-related harms, a comprehensive annual alcohol poll has found.


But the findings have been dismissed by the peak body for employers in the hotel and liquor industry, who say the poll was a ploy to “prop up more taxpayer-funded public health researchers”.


Over a one-week period in January, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education surveyed 1,843 Australian adults on their attitudes toward alcohol and its harms.

Its findings, due to be released on Thursday at Victoria’s parliament house, reveal most


Australians support government measures to make the alcohol industry more accountable for the harm caused by its products.


The foundation’s chief executive, Michael Thorn, said figures showing more than 5,500 people died and 157,000 were taken to hospital each year in events associated with alcohol influenced public views.


Thorn said the 2015 poll, the sixth of its kind, was the first time people had been asked about their perceptions of the alcohol industry.


“We think the alcohol industry has undue influence on the setting of public policy on tackling alcohol, and we wanted to understand what people thought about that involvement,” Thorn said.


“We’re trying to show decision makers what people think in terms of the influence they perceive the industry as having on politicians, and these results show the federal government in particular should not be afraid of standing up to the liquor industry, because the people will support them.”


The alcohol industry should be banned from making political donations, 69% of respondents said, with 59% saying they believed the industry was targeting minors under the legal drinking age.


A report released earlier this month found state government changes to the New South Wales Liquor Act requiring venues in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross to deny re-entry or entry to patrons from 1.30am, and to stop serving alcohol at 3am, had substantially reduced assaults in those areas.


Thorn said the federal government was letting down state governments trying to tackle alcohol-related harms by failing to introduce two key policy measures which evidence suggested worked to curb those harms.


“This includes introducing a volumetric tax on alcohol, and changing the way alcohol is promoted through broadcasting and sports events,” he said.


“The commonwealth is the worst performing jurisdiction when it comes to alcohol reform.”


The nationally representative survey also found 4 million Australians drank “to get drunk”, while 30% had experienced harms related to drinking alcohol . “Harms” were classified as “alcohol-related violence”, either as a victim or a witness.


Guardian Australia contacted the office of the federal health minister, Sussan Ley, for comment, but was told drug and alcohol services were the responsibility of the assistant health minister, Fiona Nash.


A spokesman for Nash told Guardian Australia on Thursday; “As the minister’s office only received the report yesterday afternoon, it has not yet had a chance to consider its content.”


Recently the government was criticized for announcing a national taskforce to tackle ice, when alcohol harms a far greater proportion of the population.


The director of the McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth, Prof Mike Daube, said the results from the survey showed the time for government action had long passed.


“We don’t need taskforces, committees and working groups,” he said. “We need a commitment to the action that will reduce the harms and protect young people. Governments should act, starting with alcohol tax reform in the federal budget to end the bizarre anomaly that encourages dirt-cheap wines, even cheaper than many bottled waters and soft drinks.”


The Australian Hotels Association (AHA), which represents employers in the hotel and liquor industry, told Guardian Australia they dismissed the results of the survey as “distorting public opinion and creating fear about alcohol consumption in order to prop up more taxpayer-funded public health researchers”.


“This year’s poll includes a record number of questions designed to provoke a sensational level of fear and misinformation about alcohol consumption and the alcohol industry amongst ordinary Australians,” the AHA said in a statement.


“Whilst the all-powerful and well-funded public health lobbyists would have Australians believe that drinking is at crisis levels, the opposite is true. Every adult Australian who drinks can always be more responsible about their consumption just as the alcohol industry remains committed to responsible production and sales.”


In December, a study published in the journal PLoS Medicine found industry lobbyists were hijacking government alcohol policy reform discussions and hampering efforts in Australia and Britain to curb drinking rates, despite alcohol being the leading cause of death and disability.