VA: Virginia ABC Joins Latino Coalition to Bolster Understanding of Alcohol Laws
Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
April 8, 2016
RICHMOND – Laws and cultural traditions surrounding alcohol differ throughout the world. In an effort to familiarize those who come to Virginia from other countries with the commonwealth’s alcohol laws, Virginia ABC – in partnership with Substance Abuse Free Environment, Inc. (SAFE) Latino Coalition – will meet with students in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes at 9:30 a.m. at Beulah Methodist Church, 6930 Hopkins Road, and at 6 p.m. at Meadowbrook High School, 4901 Cogbill Road, both in Richmond on Monday, April 11.
The outreach effort to help educate ESOL students about Virginia’s alcohol laws will feature presentations by Virginia ABC Special Agent Allen Slonaker and officers from Chesterfield County and Richmond police departments. A Spanish interpreter will provide assistance.
Some of the topics planned for discussion include underage drinking, drunk-in-public violations, selling alcohol without a license, and drinking and driving. In addition, educational brochures and other materials will be distributed at the presentation.
“This is an important step toward bridging cultural gaps and fostering better understanding of laws and cultural differences about alcohol,” said Virginia ABC Education and Prevention Manager Katie Weaks.
Virginia ABC awarded an Alcohol Education and Prevention Grant of $8,000 to SAFE to support prevention efforts including the ESOL outreach program.